Build-in ChatGPT text writing assistant for Windows

Elevate your writing experience using Ctrl+Right Click on selected text to access powerful features in 76 languages:

  • Advanced spell checking

  • Expert proofreading

  • Accurate translation

  • Instant in-place ChatGPT answers

GPT Tool for Windows 7, 8.1, 10, 11(64 bit)

Works with these apps and many others

Boost your writing 
efficiency by 20%

Eliminate the hassle of switching 
between text editing and 
translator apps

Gain confidence in the accuracy of your text

Write quick and precise messages 
for colleagues or clients with ease

Try It!
GPT Tool for Windows 7, 8.1, 10, 11(64 bit)

Spell check anywhere

GPT Tools lets you spellcheck text inside any program that doesn't support spellchecking. With the power of GPT Tools, you can spellcheck any of the 76 languages supported by ChatGPT.

the text

Write text as well as you can, and then the tool will elevate it to the fluency of a native speaker. Utilize the mighty potential of ChatGPT, which has currently mastered an impressive 76 languages.

Translate like
a pro

Your text gets translated in a few seconds right where you wrote it, for example, in a chat or a document.

Get in-place answer

Just type your question anywhere, and GPT Tools will replace your question with the answer from ChatGPT.

GPT is perfect for

Support managers

Project managers


HR professionals




Sales managers